In [8] we studied metric rigidity theorems on Hermitian locally symmetric manifolds of negative Ricci curvature. In particular we proved that on a compact, locally symmetric and locally irreducible Hermitian manifold of negative Ricci curvature and of rank > 2, there exists only one Hermitian metric of seminegative curvature, namely the K~hler-Einstein metric, up to multiplicative constants. In the same vein one can ask if a similar theorem remains valid for compact Hermitian symmetric spaces of rank__> 2. In the present article we prove. Theorem 1. Let (X, g) be an irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric manifold of rank > 2. Suppose h is a twice differentiable Ktihler metric on X such that (X, h) carries semipositive holomorphic bisectional curvature. Then (X,h) is itself a Hermitian symmetric manifold. More precisely, there exists a biholomorphism 9 of X and a positive constant c such that h = cO*g.