In the last few years numerous 20+ year old problems in the geometry of Banach spaces were solved. Some are described herein. The diameter of the isomorphism class of a Banach space Given a Banach space X, define D(X) = supfd (X 1 ; X 2 ) : X 1 ; X 2 are isomorphic to Xg: J. J. Schäffer considered the following question to be well-known when he included it in his 1976 book Schäffer [1976]:Is D(X) = 1 for all infinite dimensional X? My first PhD student, E. Odell (who died much too young) and I gave an affirmative answer for separable X W. B. Johnson and E. Odell [2005]. A new definition helped: Call a Banach space X K-elastic provided every isomorph of X K-embeds into X. Call X elastic if X is K-elastic for some K < 1. Ted and I proved the following, which easily implies that D(X) = 1 if X is separable and infinite dimensional.The only "obvious" example of a separable elastic space is C [0; 1]. It is 1-elastic because Mazur proved that every separable Banach space is isometrically isomorphic to a subspace of C [0; 1]. Odell and I suspected that isomorphs of C [0; 1] are the only elastic separable spaces and remarked that our proof of Theorem 2.1 could be streamlined a lot if this is true. We could not prove this but were able to use Bourgain's`1 index theory Bourgain [1980] to prove that a separable elastic space contains a subspace that is isomorphic to c 0 and used that information in the proof of Theorem 2.1. Ten years later my third PhD student, D. Alspach, and B. Sari created a new index that they used to verify that our suspicion was correct. Their proof is rather complicated, but even more recently Beanland and Causey [n.d.] simplified the proof somewhat by using more descriptive set theory. It looks likely that the Alspach-Sari index will be used more down the road. Schäffer's problem remains open for non separable spaces. In some models of set theory (GCH) there are spaces of every density character that are 1-elastic by virtue of being universal, but some tools that were used in the separable setting are not available when the spaces are non separable. Godefroy [2010] proved that under Martin's Maximum Axiom Schäffer's problem has an affirmative answer for subspaces of`1.
CommutatorsThe commutator of two elements A and B in a Banach algebra is given by [A; B] = AB BA:A natural problem that arises in the study of derivations on a Banach algebra A is to classify the commutators in the algebra. Probably the most natural non commutative