Consider the wave equation with constant or variable coefficients in IR 3 . The initial datum is a random function with a finite mean density of energy that also satisfies a Rosenblatt-or Ibragimov-Linnik-type mixing condition. The random function converges to different space-homogeneous processes as x 3 → ±∞ , with the distributions µ ± . We study the distribution µ t of the random solution at a time t ∈ IR . The main result is the convergence of µ t to a Gaussian translation-invariant measure as t → ∞ that means central limit theorem for the wave equation. The proof is based on the Bernstein 'room-corridor' argument. The application to the case of the Gibbs measures µ ± = g ± with two different temperatures T ± is given. Limiting mean energy current density formally is −∞ · (0, 0, T + −T − ) for the Gibbs measures, and it is finite and equals to −C(0, 0, T + −T − ) with C > 0 for the convolution with a nontrivial test function.1 Supported partly by research grants of DFG (436 RUS 113/615/0-1) and of RFBR