Abstract. Fix an algebraic space S, and let X and Y be separated Artin stacks of finite presentation over S with finite diagonals (over S). We define a stack Hom S (X , Y) classifying morphisms between X and Y. Assume that X is proper and flat over S, and fppf-locally on S there exists a finite finitely presented flat cover Z → X with Z an algebraic space. Then we show that Hom S (X , Y) is an Artin stack with quasi-compact and separated diagonal.
Statements of resultsFix an algebraic space S, let X and Y be separated Artin stacks of finite presentation over S with finite diagonals. Define Hom S (X , Y) to be the fibered category over the category of S-schemes, which to any T → S associates the groupoid of functors X T → Y T over T , whereTheorem 1.1. Let X and Y be finitely presented separated Artin stacks over S with finite diagonals. Assume in addition that X is flat and proper over S, and that locally in the fppf topology on S there exists a finite and finitely presented flat surjection Z → X from an algebraic space Z. Then the fibered category Hom S (X , Y) is an Artin stack locally of finite presentation over S with separated and quasi-compact diagonal. If Y is a DeligneMumford stack (resp. algebraic space) then Hom S (X , Y) is also a Deligne-Mumford stack (resp. algebraic space). Remark 1.2. If S is the spectrum of a field and X is a Deligne-Mumford stack which is a global quotient stack and has quasi-projective coarse moduli space, then by ([15], 2.1) there always exists a finite flat cover Z → X . Remark 1.3. When S is arbitrary and X is a twisted curve in the sense of ([1]), it is also true thatétale locally on S there exists a finite flat cover Z → X as in (1