Cascade H-bridge (CHB) inverter is an attractive choice for integration of DC sources of different nature, e.g., for distributed generation with energy storage, photovoltaic generation, etc. In general, non-equal DC voltage sources can affect the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the CHB by introducing undesirable low-frequency subharmonics. This paper investigates different level-shifted (LS) and phase-shifted (PS) pulse width modulation (PWM) strategies for single-and three-phase cascade H-bridge inverters with non-equal DC sources from the load current THD minimization perspective. The best current quality is provided by LS PWM, as reported in the literature. The paper provides a simple time domain explanation of LS PWM superiority. However, PS PWM may be a preferable choice for practical applications due to fair power and loss sharing across individual H-bridges. The paper explains how to obtain the best current quality by PS PWM carriers' order arrangement (DC sources switching sequence selection).The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the current THD calculation methodology for non-uniform voltage levels applicable to a single-phase cascade inverter in the case of LS PWM and non-equal DC sources. The analysis of the current THD with PS PWM and non-equal DC sources for the cascade H-bridge inverter is presented in Section 3. The analysis of current THD has been extended to a three-phase cascade H-bridge inverter with non-equal DC sources and presented in Section 4. Section 5 presents the conclusion.
Current THD for a Single-Phase CHB Inverter with LS PWM and Non-Equal DC SourcesCurrent THD for a single-phase CHB inverter with LS PWM and equal DC sources can be calculated as suggested in [8] for uniformly distributed voltage levels. In this section, the results of [8] are generalized to acquire non-equal DC sources. For the best harmonic performance (minimal current THD), LS modulation bands must be adjusted to match non-equal DC source voltages (Figure 2).