Denote by H d,g,r the Hilbert scheme of smooth curves, that is the union of components whose general point corresponds to a smooth irreducible and non-degenerate curve of degree d and genus g in P r . A component of H d,g,r is rigid in moduli if its image under the natural map π : H d,g,r Mg is a one point set. In this note, we provide a proof of the fact that H d,g,r has no components rigid in moduli for g > 0 and r = 3, from which it follows that the only smooth projective curves embedded in P 3 whose only deformations are given by projective transformations are the twisted cubic curves. In case r ≥ 4, we also prove the non-existence of a component of H d,g,r rigid in moduli in a certain restricted range of d, g > 0 and r. In the course of the proofs, we establish the irreducibility of H d,g,3 beyond the range which has been known before.In the next two sections, we provide a proof of the fact that H g+1,g,3 is irreducible and H d,g,3 does not have a component rigid in moduli if g > 0. This in turn implies that there are no rigid curves in P 3 except for twisted cubic curves. In the subsequent section we also prove that, for r ≥ 4, H d,g,r does not carry any