It is well-known that Lorentzian voltage pulses with integer quantum flux can lead to noiseless current in quantum conductors. The current is carried by charged quasiparticles in the Fermi sea of the conductors, which have well-defined wave functions and have been named as "levitons". However, it is not clear how levitons evolve as the flux of the pulses changes continuously toward a fractional value. To answer this question, we introduce a set of Wannier-like single-body wave functions, which can be used to describe the quantum states of the quasiparticles injected by Lorentzian pulses with arbitrary flux. We show that, by tuning the flux of the pulses, levitons can evolve into quasiparticles carrying fractional charges. In the meantime, additional fractional-charged quasiparticles can also be excited, which can form neutral electron-hole pairs. The information of these quasiparticles can be extracted from the shot noise of the current. These knowledge can be helpful for the time-resolved quantum control of propagating electrons in solid-state circuits.