Abstract. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and let A be a unital C(X)-algebra, where C(X) is embedded as a unital C * -subalgebra of the centre of A. We consider the problem of characterizing the existence of a conditional expectation E : A → C(X) of finite index in terms of the underlying C * -bundle of A over X. More precisely, we show that if A admits a C(X)-valued conditional expectation of finite index, then A is necessarily a continuous C(X)-algebra, and there exists a positive integer N such that every fibre Ax of A is finitedimensional, with dim Ax ≤ N . We also give some sufficient conditions on A that ensure the existence of a C(X)-valued conditional expectation of finite index.
introductionLet B ⊆ A be two unital C * -algebras with the same unit element. A conditional expectation (abbreviated by C.E.) from A to B is a completely positive contraction E : A → B such that E(b) = b for all b ∈ B, and which is B-bilinear, i.e. If E(a * a) = 0 (a ∈ A) implies a = 0, E is said to be faithful. Every faithful conditional expectation E : A → B introduces a pre-Hilbert B-module structure on A, whose inner product is defined by (1.1) a 1 , a 2 E := E(a *