The (n + 1)-ary derivations of simple non-Lie n-ary Mal tsev algebras are described in the case of the binary algebra M 7 and the ternary algebra M 8 . As a consequence, a description is obtained for the 3-ary derivations of simple non-Lie Mal tsev algebras and simple finite-dimensional non-Lie binary-Lie algebras. Examples of semisimple Mal tsev algebras having nontrivial 3-ary derivations are given. §1. IntroductionOne way of generalizing the derivations is a δ-derivation. By a δ-derivation of an algebra A, where δ is a fixed element of the ground field, we mean a linear mappingfor arbitrary x, y ∈ A. In one's time, δ-derivations have been studied in the papers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], which were devoted to the description of δ-derivations of prime Lie [1, 2], prime alternative and Mal tsev [3] algebras, simple [5, 6] and prime [7] Lie superalgebras, semisimple finite-dimensional Jordan algebras [4, 6] and superalgebras [4, 6, 8, 9], Filippov algebras of small dimensions and simple finite-dimensional Filippov algebras [12], as well as the simple ternary Mal tsev algebra M 8 [12]. In particular, examples of nontrivial δ-derivations were constructed for some Lie algebras [2, 7], simple Jordan superalgebras [8,9], and n-ary Filippov algebras of dimension n + 1 (see [12]). At the same time, a δ-derivation is a special case of a quasiderivation and a generalized derivation. By a generalized derivation D we mean a linear mapping such that there exist linear mappings E and F with D(xy) = E(x)y + xF (y)for arbitrary x, y ∈ A. If, moreover, E = F , then D is a quasiderivation. The triples (D, E, F ), where D is a generalized derivation and E and F are linear mapping associated with it are called ternary derivations. Note that, in the general case, E and F may fail to be generalized derivations. But in many interesting cases they are, and in [13] the simple unital algebras for which E and F are generalized derivations were described under some restrictions. Quasiderivations, generalized derivations, and ternary derivations were considered in [14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]. In particular, generalized and ternary derivations were studied for Lie algebras [14], Lie superalgebras [15], associative algebras [16, 17], generalized Cayley-Dickson algebras [18], and Jordan algebras [20].