The academician E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University, Perm, 614000, Russian Federation The article presents the results of analysis of dynamics, causes of mortality and lethality in consequence of diabetes mellitus ofpopulation of the Perm krai. The materials of official statistics were used provided by the regional medical informational analytical center for 13 years, the state register of diabetes mellitus (2015) and primary documentation of the municipal endocrinological department for 25 years. According the official statistics data, in total number of the deceased in the Perm krai percentage of patients with diseases of endocrine system consisted 0.4%. The average annual level of mortality is 7.1 per 100 thousand of population. According the state register of diabetes mellitus, every third patient (30.6%) died because of chronic cardiovascular inefficiency, 14.3% because of acute disturbed cerebral circulation, 5.2% because of acute myocardium infarction and 0.8% because of chronic renal inefficiency. The oncological pathology comprised 7.8% of all causes of death. The age and gender differences of indices of mortality are established. The rate of cases of death increased with age. The females died in 1.9 times more often than males. The average level of hospital lethality comprised 2.2 of 100 and daily lethality - 0.5 of 100 underwent patients. The macro-vascular complications are registered as leading causes of death. The positive dynamics of hospital lethality because of acute disturbed cerebral circulation (5 times decreasing of indicator in 25 years) was established.