It is well known that iterates of quasi-compact operators converge towards a spectral projection, whereas the explicit construction of the limiting operator is in general hard to obtain. Here, we show a simple method to explicitly construct this projection operator, provided that the fixed points of the operator and its adjoint are known which is often the case for operators used in approximation theory.We use an approach related to Riesz-Schauder and Fredholm theory to analyze the iterates of operators on general Banach spaces, while our main result remains applicable without specific knowledge on the underlying framework. Applications for Markov operators on the space of continuous functions C(X) are provided, where X is a compact Hausdorff space.The behaviour of the iterates of Markov operators has been studied extensively in modern ergodic theory, while in general the limiting operator is not explicitly given. A comprehensive overview on limit theorems for quasi-compact Markov operators can be found in Hennion and Hervé [8]. In this article, we construct the limit of the iterates of quasi-compact operators that satisfy a spectral condition. It will be shown under which conditions the limit exists and how the limiting projection operator can be explicitly constructed using the inverse of a Gram matrix. The explicit knowledge of the limiting operator is of interest in many applications.This research is motivated by studying general Markov operators on the space of continuous functions C(X), where X is a compact Hausdorff space. Lotz [16] has already shown uniform ergodic theorems for Markov operators on C(X). For specific classes of operators, the limiting operator has been provided as shown for instance by Kelisky and Rivlin [12], Karlin and Ziegler [10] and Gavrea and Ivan [6,7]. Recently, Altomare [2] has shown a different approach using the concept of Choquet-boundaries and results from Korovkin-type approximation theory. Altomare et al. [1] have shown an application where they discussed differential operators associated with Markov operators, where also the knowledge of limit of the iterates is significant. Another application has been shown in the field of approximation theory, where the iterates can be used to prove lower estimates for Markov operators with sufficient smooth range, see Nagler et al. [17].It is worthwhile to mention that in most methods the limiting operator has to be known apriori. Here, we show an elegant extension to general Banach spaces for quasi-compact Markov operators. This extension provides a very general framework to explicitly construct the limiting operator with a simple method without prior knowledge of this operator.After an introductory example, we introduce briefly our notation and recall the most important results that are necessary to prove our results. All of these results are well-known and can be found, e. g., in the classical books of Ruston [20], Rudin [19], Heuser [9]. In the next section, we discuss how the complemented subspace for some finite-dimensional eigens...