The macronucleus of Colpodiz duodenaria is a prominent, well-differentiated organelle in the free-swimming individual. During binary fission, along with the micronucleus, it undergoes a complex rcorganization, resulting in a more precise division of its substance than is found in ciliates generally. The macroiiuclens in the resting cyst, because of its large size and differentiation, is the most readily observable structure in all known stages, stained or unstained. Therefore its behavior, found to be sti*ucturttlly 1-isible and reproducible under constant conditions, is of special interest in view of further experiments.As a nuclear phenomenon, the reorganization of the macronucleus in the resting cysts is unique in a t least two respects :(1) It is not accompanied by division of the micronucleus; arid (2) it results in two products, one of which becomes the new rnacronuclens, while the other degenerates and disappears in the cytoplasm. When the process has been described it will become clear that the pmceclure in this Colpoda differs in certain respects from the account of iiuclear reorganization given by Kidder and ClafT ('38) for the "resistant " cysts of Colpoda cucullus.The reorganization in C. duodenaria resting cysts of small dimensions (not more than 17 p) is strikingly similar t o the nuclear changes during binary fission, particularly in the early stages. A detailed study of the two processes reveals that the siniilarity throughout is greatest when small digenic 197