The linear (homogeneous and inhomogeneous) (k, N , N − k) supermultiplets of the Nextended one-dimensional Supersymmetry Algebra induce D-module representations for the N = 2, 4, 8 superconformal algebras.For N = 2, the D-module representations of the A(1, 0) superalgebra are obtained. For N = 4 and scaling dimension λ = 0, the D-module representations of the A(1, 1) superalgebra are obtained. For λ = 0, the D-module representations of the D(2, 1; α) superalgebras are obtained, with α determined in terms of the scaling dimension λ according to: α = −2λ for k = 4, i.e. the (4, 4) supermultiplet, α = −λ for k = 3, i.e. (3, 4, 1), and α = λ for k = 1, i.e. (1, 4, 3). For λ = 0 the (2, 4, 2) supermultiplet induces a D-module representation for the centrally extended sl(2|2) superalgebra.For N = 8, the (8, 8) root supermultiplet induces a D-module representation of the D(4, 1) superalgebra at the fixed value λ = 1 4 . A Lagrangian framework to construct one-dimensional, off-shell, superconformal invariant actions from single-particle and multi-particles D-module representations is discussed. It is applied to explicitly construct invariant actions for the homogeneous and inhomogeneous N = 4 (1, 4, 3) D-module representations (in the last case for several interacting supermultiplets of different chirality).