Key words N-simple operator, the Weyl function, the Schur transformation, the Schur parameters, the special block operator Jacobi matrix, moments, the Hankel matrix, the Kreȋn shorted operator MSC (2010) 44A60, 47A56, 47A57, 47B35, 47B36, 30E05
To Eduard Tsekanovskiȋ on his 75th birthdayGiven bounded selfadjoint operators F1 = I N , F2 , . . . , F2n + 1 in a separable Hilbert space N, we consider the operator truncated Hamburger moment problem of finding a Herglotz-Nevanlinna operator-valued function M holomorphic in the neighborhood of infinity and having the formCriteria of the solvability and uniqueness of the solution are established and a description of all solutions is obtained. Our approach is based on the Schur transformation, the Schur parameters, and the special block operator Jacobi matrices.We use the common symbols C, R, N, and N 0 for the sets of complex numbers, real numbers, positive integers, and nonnegative integers, respectively. The closure of a subset M of a topological space is denoted by M . If M is a subset of a topological vector space, then span M denotes its linear hull and span M is the closure of span M. All Hilbert spaces we shall consider in this paper are separable spaces over C. The inner product and corresponding norm of a Hilbert space H are denoted by (·, ·) H and · H , respectively. We omit the symbol H in these notations if there is no danger of confusion. Throughout this paper the notion "linear operator" means "bounded linear operator". The linear space of operators acting between Hilbert spaces H and K is denoted by L(H, K) and the Banach algebra L(H, H) by L(H). The domain, the range, and the null-space of an operator T are denoted by dom T , ran T , and ker T , respectively, and ran T stands for the closure of ran T. If T ∈ L(H, K), then T * and T denote its adjoint and norm, respectively. If L is a subspace, i.e., a closed linear subset, of H, the orthogonal projection in H onto L is denoted by P L and the restriction of T to L by T L. If T is invertible, then T −1 denotes its inverse. By ρ(T ) and σ(T ) we denote the set of its regular points and spectrum, respectively. The identity operator in a Hilbert space H is denoted bystands for the resolvent of T . A selfadjoint operator T in a Hilbert space H is called nonnegative if (T f, f) ≥ 0 for all f ∈ H. In this case we shall often use the notation T ≥ 0. A nonnegative operator T is called positive definite if 0 ∈ ρ(T ). * This function belongs to the Herglotz-Nevanlinna class [11], [18], [28] of all L(N)-valued functions N holomorphic on the open upper and lower half-planes and such that N * (z) = N (z), andExpanding M T ,N into the Taylor series at infinity, we getThe series (2.2) converges with respect to the operator-norm topology. If N = H, then, clearly,is the orthogonal resolution of identity for the operator T , i.e., T = R t dE T (t), then M T ,N admits the integral representationDefinition 2.1 ([12]) An L(N)-valued Herglotz-Nevanlinna function N belongs to the class N N if it is holomorphic at infinity. If, in...