This forum response adds a conceptualization of harmony to Dopico and Vázquez' investigation of pedagogy that combines citizen science, environmental and cross-cultural research, and service-learning. Placing many appropriate and significant aspects of culturally situated science education in an authentically relational context beyond the classroom, this paper calls attention to insightful contributions and new directions for research, such as the process of inducing or eluding nihilism regarding ecological issues. How can such a question be researched effectively in order to learn about the family of pedagogies emerging in response to the need for more ecologically conscious and relationally authentic teaching across many disciplines? In this paper, I use a Vygotskian framework and an abbreviated case study of agricultural service-learning from my research, drawing attention to the importance of students' culturally-mediated construction of setting as they interact in older and newer ways.Keywords Service-learning Á Construction of setting Á Cultural and ecological education Á Sociocultural theory Á Ecojustice
Spanish Executive Summary for ''Products and Processes of Agri-Scientific''Esta respuesta al foro agrega una conceptualización de la armonía a la investigación pedagógica de Dopico y Vázquez, que combina la ciencia ciudadana, la investigación ambiental e intercultural, y el aprendizaje en el servicio (''service-learning''). Al ubicar una mayor cantidad de temas pertinentes y significativos de la educación científica culturalmente situada dentro de un contexto auténticamente interactivo y relacional que trascienden el ámbito áulico; su trabajo atrae la atención hacia contribuciones perspicaces y nuevas directrices para la investigación, tales como el proceso de inducir o eludir el