The polarization charge of an inhomogeneous superfluid system is expressed as a function of the order parameter 1 2 ( , ) r r . It is shown that if the order parameter changes on macroscopic distances, the polarization charge pol is proportional to 2 A n , and the polarization P is proportional to A n , where n is the density of the system. For noninteracting atoms the proportionality coefficient A is independent of density, and in the presence of interaction A is proportional to n . The change of the Bose gas density is found in the presence of a flow n s w v v passing the vortex. It is found that a vortex in a superfluid film creates an electric potential above the film. This potential has the form of a potential of a dipole, allowing to assign a dipole moment to the vortex. The dipole moment is a sum of two terms, the first one is proportional to the relative flow velocity w and the second one isExperiments [1,2] carried out at ILT in Kharkov last 10 years revealed that a standing wave of second sound in He II was accompanied by appearance of electric potential of the order 7