Abstract. We give explicit formulas for computing the Mordell-Weil ranks of the elliptic surfaces Er : Y 2 = X 3 + a(t r )X + b(t r ) subject to some restrictions on the surface E 1 .Let π : E → P 1 be a smooth complex relatively minimal elliptic surface with section. For each positive integer r, define π r : E r → P 1 to be the relatively minimal compactification of the Neron model of the generic fiber of E × P 1 P 1 of the pullback of E by the morphism of P 1 defined by t → t r . The main result of [F1], [F2] is that under certain conditions on E, the rank of the Mordell-Weil group of sections of E r is bounded independently of r. The purpose of this paper is to use this result to compute or give explicit upper bounds on the rank of E r (P 1 ) for several examples.We and assume that γ < 1. For each positive integer r let φ r : P 1 → P 1 be the morphism defined by φ r (t) = t r , and let E r be the pullback of E via φ r . LetIt is not known whether the rank of an elliptic surface over P 1 is bounded. The largest known rank for an elliptic surface over P 1 is 56 (see Example 1, and [Sh2], [St]). We will see that we can often use a variant on the proof of Theorem 1 to get an explicit formula for the rank of the surfaces E r , so that the technique outlined below can be used to look for elliptic surfaces with large rank. We have the following corollary to Theorem 1.