By using Fort theorem the generic stability result for the system of generalized vector equilibrium problems is established. Further, by proving the existence and connectivity of minimal essential set the existence result of essential components in the solution set is derived. §1 IntroductionThe system of generalized vector equilibrium problems (in short,SGVEP) includes as a special case the multiobjective Nash equilibrium problems [1,2] . In this paper, by Fort theorem [3] we establish the generic stability result for SGVEP. Further, we also establish the existence result of essential components of the solution set for SGVEP, which generalizes those results of essential components in [4][5][6][7].Let I be an index set. For each i ∈ I, let X i and Y i be two Hausdorff topological vector spaces, K i a nonempty, convex and compact subset of X i , and C i a closed, convex and pointed cone of Y i with intC i = ∅, where intC i denotes the interior of C i . Denote K = i∈I K i . For each i ∈ I, let F i : K × K i → 2 Yi be a set-valued map, where 2 Yi denotes the family of all nonempty subsets of Y i . The system of generalized vector equilibrium problems is: findingx is said to be a solution of SGVEP. A SGVEP is usually denoted by {K i , F i } i∈I (in short,{F } ).Throughout this paper, unless otherwise specified, for each i ∈ I let X i and Y i be two Banach spaces, K i a nonempty, convex and compact subset of X i and P i a nonempty, convex and compact subset of Y i , and C i a closed, convex and pointed cone of Y i with intC i = ∅. Moreover, we assume that index set I = {1, 2, · · · , n} is a finite set.