In many practical situations, it is often desired to select a population (treatment, product, technology, etc.) from a choice of several populations on the basis of a particular characteristic that associated with each population, and then estimate the characteristic associated with the selected population. The present paper is focused on estimating a characteristic of the selected bivariate normal population, using a LINEX loss function. A natural selection rule is used for achieving the aim of selecting the best bivariate normal population. Some natural-type estimators and Bayes estimator (using a conjugate prior) of a parameter of the selected population are presented. An admissible subclass of equivariant estimators, using the LINEX loss function, is obtained. Further, a sufficient condition for improving the competing estimators is derived. Using this sufficient condition, several estimators improving upon the proposed natural estimators are obtained. Further, an application of the derived results is provided by considering the poultry feeds data. Finally, a comparative study on the competing estimators of a parameter of the selected population is carried-out using simulation.