In this paper we calculate the field equations for Scalar-Tensor from a variational principle, taking into account the Gibbons-York-Hawking type boundary term. We do the same for the theories f (R), following (Guarnizo (2010), Gen. Rel. Grav. 42, 2713-2728. Then, we review the equivalences between both theories in the metric formalism. Thus, starting from the perturbations for Scalar-Tensor theories, we find the perturbations for f (R) gravity under the equivalences. Working with two specific models of f (R), we explore the equivalences between the theories under conformal-Newtonian gauge. Further, we show the perturbations for both theories under the sub-horizon approach.
IntroductionRecent observations of the CMB show that the Universe is in accelerated expansion [1,2]. The broadly used model is the Λ-Cold-Dark-Matter (ΛCDM). However, this model introduces an exotic term of energy, called Dark Energy (DE), associated to the cosmological constant term Λ. Assuming that the theory of general relativity (GR) is not entirely correct at cosmological scales, it is possible that a cosmological constant term is not necessary to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe. The alternative theories to the Einstein's proposal are known as modified gravity theories (MG). One set of these theories is known as Scalar-Tensor gravity theories (ST) [3][4][5], where the gravitational action in these theories, in addition to the metric, to contain a scalar field which intervenes in the generation of the space-time curvature, associated to the metric. This scalar field is not directly coupled to the matter and, therefore, the matter responds only to the metric. It should be noted that the Brans-Dicke theory (BD), [6] proposed by C.H. Brans y R.H. Dicke in 1961, is a particular case of theories ST, where the parameter ω(f) is independent of the scalar field.Another type of generalization to GR are the theories of gravity f (R) [7][8][9], where the lagrangian of Einstein-Hilbert is generalized, replacing the scalar curvature R by a more general function of it, f (R). The gravitational field in this theory is represented by the metric like GR does.The equivalence between theories ST and f (R) has been studied e.g., in [10][11][12][13][14][15]. It is, starting from the ST action, without the kinetic term of the scalar field, we arrive at the action of the gravity theories f (R). In this paper, in addition to the above, we show these equivalences for the field equations, the Friedmann equations of the homogeneous and isotropic universe and the Friedmann's perturbations in any gauge. Further, we show two specific examples of theories f (R) under the conformal-Newtonian gauge.The paper is organized as following: in the section 2 we get the field equations for RG, ST and f (R) theories starting from the variational principle, taking into account the Gibbons-York-Hawking (GYH) boundary term type, for every of the above theories. It is found that the consideration to obtain the field equations for ST, under the equivalence of the theor...