For a commutative cancellative monoid M , we introduce the notion of the length density of both a nonunit x ∈ M , denoted LD(x), and the entire monoid M , denoted LD(M ). This invariant is related to three widely studied invariants in the theory of non-unit factorizations, L(x), ℓ(x), and ρ(x). We consider some general properties of LD(x) and LD(M ) and give a wide variety of examples using numerical semigroups, Puiseux monoids, and Krull monoids. While we give an example of a monoid M with irrational length density, we show that if M is finitely generated, then LD(M ) is rational and there is a nonunit element x ∈ M with LD(M ) = LD(x) (such a monoid is said to have accepted length density). While it is wellknown that the much studied asymptotic versions of L(x), ℓ(x) and ρ(x) (denoted L(x), ℓ(x), and ρ(x)) always exist, we show the somewhat surprising result that LD(x) = limn→∞ LD(x n ) may not exist. We also give some finiteness conditions on M that force the existence of LD(x).