For the S states of two-electron atoms, we introduce an exact and unique factorization of the internal eigenfunction in terms of a marginal amplitude, which depends functionally on the electronnucleus distances r1 and r2, and a conditional amplitude, which depends functionally on the interelectronic distance r12 and parametrically on r1 and r2. Applying the variational principle, we derive pseudoeigenvalue equations for these two amplitudes, which cast the internal Schrödinger equation in a form akin to the Born-Oppenheimer separation of nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom in molecules. The marginal equation involves an effective radial Hamiltonian, which contains a nonadiabatic potential energy surface that takes into account all interparticle correlations in an averaged way, and whose unique eigenvalue is the internal energy. At each point (r1, r2), such surface is, in turn, the unique eigenvalue in the conditional equation. Employing the ground state of He as prototype, we show that the nonadiabatic potential energy surface affords a molecularlike interpretation of the structure of the atom, and aids in the analysis of energetic and spatial aspects of the Coulomb correlation, in particular correlation-induced symmetry breaking and quantum phase transition.