Motivated by the new physics beyond the Standard Model through the scale at which neutrino mass has origin, we investigate its possible manifestation at low energy within the corresponding propagation of the energetic neutrino. Then, we consider the SN1987A and base on the recorded neutrino data to explore the scale range of the new physics. ¡μÉ ¶μ¸¢ÖÐ¥´ ¨¸¸²¥¤μ¢ ´¨Õ ¢μ §³μ¦´μ£μ ¶•μÖ¢²¥´¨Ö´μ¢μ°Ë¨ §¨±¨, ¢ÒÌμ¤ÖÐ¥° § • ³±' É ´¤ •É´μ°³μ¤¥²¨, ¶•¨´¨ §±¨Ì Ô´¥•£¨Ö̸ ¶μ³μÐÓÕ ¢Ò¸μ±μÔ´¥•£¥É¨Î¥¸±¨Ì´¥°É•¨´μ. "²Ö ʸÉ-μ¢²¥´¨Ö μ¡² ¸É¨• ¸¸ÉμÖ´¨°, £¤¥ ³μ¦¥É ¶•μÖ¢¨ÉÓ¸Ö´μ¢ Ö Ë¨ §¨± , ¡Ò²¨¨¸ ¶μ²Ó §μ¢ ´Ò ¤ ´´Ò¥ SN1987A.