We study worldsheet theory of confining strings in two-dimensional massive adjoint QCD. Similarly to confining strings in higher dimensions this theory exhibits a nontrivial S-matrix surviving even in the strict planar limit. In the process of two-particle scattering a zigzag is formed on the worldsheet. It leads to an interesting non-locality and exhibits some properties of a quantum black hole. Ordinarily, identical quantum particles do not carry identity. On the worldsheet they acquire off-shell identity due to strings attached. Identity implies complementarity. We discuss similarities and differences of the worldsheet scattering with the TT deformation. We also propose a promising candidate for a supersymmetric model with integrable confining strings.
IntroductionConstructng a theory of confining strings remains an interesting challenge. Large N gauge theories are closely related to gravity, with AdS/CFT [1-3] providing a concrete and spectacular example of this connection for conformal theories. The BFSS matrix model [4] and the matrix model for c = 1 strings [5] are other notable examples. Understanding the confining case is likely to give a further insight into gravitational dynamics.Recent progress in understanding of confining strings [6-9] is to large extent related to the identification of a new nice observable to focus on-the worldsheet S-matrix [10] (for other recent developments see, e.g., [11][12][13][14][15][16]). In the planar limit the worldsheet dynamics decouples from the bulk, and the worldsheet scattering is described by a UV complete unitary two-dimensional theory. There is a number of indications that this theory exhibits certain gravitational features rather than being just a conventional local quantum field theory. If this expectation is confirmed, it provides another concrete link between large N gauge theories and gravity.A somewhat surprising property of the worldsheet S-matrix is that it stays non-trivial even in the strict planar limit, N = ∞, when the bulk S-matrix turns free. This is an exact analogue of what happens in the critical string theory, where in the free limit, g s = 0, the worldsheet scattering remains non-trivial and describes an integrable model of twodimensional gravity [17].In three and four dimensions, D = 3, 4, a wealth of information about the worldsheet scattering can be extracted from lattice studies of confining flux tubes ( [18-24], see [25,26] for reviews). In the present paper we turn to the two-dimensional case, D = 2, where the analytical access to the worldsheet dynamics should be easier to achieve.The study of two-dimensional QCD has a long and fascinating history. In the pure Yang-Mills case neither the "bulk" 1 nor the worldsheet theory carry local degrees of freedom. The partition function and the Wilson loop corelators of this topological theory can be calculated exactly even at finite N [27-31]. The large N expansion of the exact answer can be explicitly recast in the form of perturbative string series [32][33][34].Introducing quarks in the fundam...