Abstract. We calculate the Chern classes and Chern numbers for the natural almost Hermitian structures of the partial flag manifolds F n D SU.n C 2/=S.U.n/ U.1/ U.1//. For all n > 1 there are two invariant complex algebraic structures, which arise from the projectivizations of the holomorphic tangent and cotangent bundles of CP nC1 . The projectivization of the cotangent bundle is the twistor space of a Grassmannian considered as a quaternionic Kähler manifold. There is also an invariant nearly Kähler structure, because F n is a 3-symmetric space. We explain the relations between the different structures and their Chern classes, and we prove that F n is not geometrically formal.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Primary 53C30, 57R20; Secondary 14M15, 53C26, 53C55.