In this work we analyze F-theory and Type IIB orientifold compactifications to study α-corrections to the four-dimensional, N = 1 effective actions. In particular, we obtain corrections to the Kählermoduli space metric and its complex structure for generic dimension originating from eight-derivative corrections to eleven-dimensional supergravity. We propose a completion of the G 2 R 3 and (∇G) 2 R 2-sector in eleven-dimensions relevant in Calabi-Yau fourfold reductions. We suggest that the three-dimensional, N = 2 Kähler coordinates may be expressed as topological integrals depending on the first, second, and third Chern-forms of the divisors of the internal Calabi-Yau fourfold. The divisor integral Ansatz for the Kähler potential and Kähler coordinates may be lifted to four-dimensional, N = 1 F-theory vacua. We identify a novel correction to the Kähler potential and coordinates at order α 2 , which is leading compared to other known corrections in the literature. At weak string coupling the correction arises from the intersection of D7-branes and O7-planes with base divisors and the volume of self-intersection curves of divisors in the base. In the presence of the conjectured novel α-correction resulting from the divisor interpretation the no-scale structure may be broken. Furthermore, we propose a model independent scenario to achieve non-supersymmetric AdS vacua for Calabi-Yau orientifold backgrounds with negative Euler-characteristic.