We investigate a quantum system possessing a parasupersymmetry of order 2, an orthosupersymmetry of order p, a fractional supersymmetry of order p + 1, and topological symmetries of type (1, p) and (1, 1, · · · , 1). We obtain the corresponding symmetry generators, explore their relationship, and show that they may be expressed in terms of the creation and annihilation operators for an ordinary boson and orthofermions of order p. We give a realization of parafermions of order 2 using orthofermions of arbitrary order p, discuss a p = 2 parasupersymmetry between p = 2 parafermions and parabosons of arbitrary order, and show that every orthosupersymmetric system possesses topological symmetries. We also reveal a correspondence between the orthosupersymmetry of order p and the fractional supersymmetry of order p + 1.