For several evaluations of special values and several relations known only in A n -multiple zeta values or S n -multiple zeta values, we prove that they are uniformly valid in F n -multiple zeta values for both the case where F = A and F = S. In particular, the Bowman-Bradley type theorem and sum formulas for S 2 -multiple zeta values are either a comma ',' or a plus '+'See [HMO, Definition 1.1] for another equivalent definition of the S-MZSV. For a positive integer n, let]/(t n ) be the natural projection.Definition 1.1. For an index k = (k 1 , . . . , k r ), we define the S n -multiple zeta(-star) value (S n -MZ(S)V) byNote that ζ S 1 (k) coincides with the usual symmetric multiple zeta value (SMZV) ζ S (k) defined by Kaneko and Zagier [KZ].A n -MZ(S)Vs and S n -MZ(S)Vs are the main objects of this article and together they are called F n -MZ(S)Vs; F derives from the first letter of the word "finite". Similar to the conjecture [OSY, Conjecture 4.3], it is conjectured that A n -MZVs and S n -MZVs satisfy relations of the same form. Hence, a relation among A n -MZVs or S n -MZVs is always described collectively as a relation of F n -MZVs, at least conjecturally. The purpose of