The Hilbert space formulation of interacting s = 1 vector-potentials stands is an interesting contrast with the point-local Krein space setting of gauge theory. Already in the absence of interactions the Wilson loop in a Hilbert space setting has a topological property which is missing in the gauge-theoretic description (Haag duality, Aharonov-Bohm effect); the conceptual differences increase in the presence of interactions. The Hilbert space positivity weakens the causal localization properties of interacting fields, which results in the replacement of the gauge-variant point-local matter fields in Krein space by string-local physical fields in Hilbert space. The gauge invariance of the perturbative S-matrix corresponds to its independence of the space-like string direction of its interpolating fields. In contrast to gauge theory, whose direct physical range is limited to a gauge-invariant perturbative S-matrix and local observables, its Hilbert space string-local counterpart is a full-fledged quantum field theory (QFT). The new setting reveals that the Lie structure of self-coupled vector mesons results from perturbative implementation of the causal localization principles of QFT.
Introductory remarks on origin and scope of string localizationIt is well known that the use of point-local massless vector potentials is incompatible with the positivity of Hilbert space. One usually resolves this problem by abandoning the positivity requirement of quantum field theory (QFT) while maintaining the point-local field formalism which leads to gauge theory (GT). The price to pay is well known from quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the standard indefinite metric (Gupta-Bleuler) gauge setting: positivity can be recoveredDedicated to the memory of Raymond Stora and John Roberts.a e-mail: for local observables, whereas charge-carrying fields remain outside its physical range. The separation between physical and unphysical quantum fields is done in terms of gauge symmetry, which is not a physical symmetry but a formal device to extract a physical subtheory. Although the standard gauge formalism is restricted to the presence of vector potentials, the clash between zero mass point-local fields and positivity is a general phenomenon for all s ≥ 1 zero mass tensor potentials. It does not affect the corresponding field strengths, but the short-distance dimension of the latter (d sd = 2 for s = 1) prevents their direct use in renormalizable interactions.The alternative option is to accept the weaker localization required by positivity. The tightest covariant localization beyond point-local consistent with positivity turns out to be causal localization on semi-infinite space-like "strings" 1 x + R + e, e 2 = −1. It is easy to construct m > 0 covariant string-localized fields (x, e) in terms of semi-infinite line integrals on point-local fields [1]. The immediate advantage of such a construction is that one obtains two improvements in one stroke, the lowering of the short-distance dimension and the e...