$\Gamma $
be a finite set, and
$X\ni x$
a fixed kawamata log terminal germ. For any lc germ
$(X\ni x,B:=\sum _{i} b_iB_i)$
, such that
$b_i\in \Gamma $
, Nakamura’s conjecture, which is equivalent to the ascending chain condition conjecture for minimal log discrepancies for fixed germs, predicts that there always exists a prime divisor E over
$X\ni x$
, such that
$a(E,X,B)=\mathrm {mld}(X\ni x,B)$
, and
is bounded from above. We extend Nakamura’s conjecture to the setting that
$X\ni x$
is not necessarily fixed and
$\Gamma $
satisfies the descending chain condition, and show it holds for surfaces. We also find some sufficient conditions for the boundedness of
for any such E.