This paper is devoted to the homogenization of a nonlinear transmission problem stated in a two-phase domain. We consider a system of linear diffusion equations defined in a periodic domain consisting of two disjoint phases that are both connected sets separated by a thin interface. Depending on the field variables, at the interface, nonlinear conditions are imposed to describe interface reactions. In the variational setting of the problem, we prove the homogenization theorem and a bidomain averaged model. The periodic unfolding technique is used to obtain the residual error estimate with a first-order corrector. KEYWORDS bidomain model, corrector estimates, diffusion problem, nonlinear transmission conditions, periodic unfolding technique MSC CLASSIFICATION 35B27; 35M10; 82C24This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.