Sampling methods of fruits applied to the quality characterization of apricot fruits.Abstract --Introduction. Heterogeneity of apricot batches results from the difficulty of objectively appraising the optimal harvest date and, thus, the variability of fruit development traits at harvest time. This heterogeneity is a serious problem when comparing between harvests, varieties, and fruit farming cultivation practice. Three sampling procedures were tested for use prior to the characterization of the physiological traits of apricot batches using destructive or non-destructive physical methods. The objective was not only to reduce the number and cost of the analyses but also to achieve homogeneous samples representative of the harvest batch and of its heterogeneity, and to select comparable samples. Materials and methods. Sampling was grounded on whole fruit compression test values (stress) up to a compression rate that does not damage the fruit. Sample batches were then selected after the statistical treatment (descriptive analysis, univariate clustering) of strain values. The sampling methods were applied (a) to compare physical growth traits of apricot hybrids from 2 years with contrasted weather (normal, heatwave), (b) to study the effect of cultivation practices on some physical properties of seven apricot hybrids and (c) to follow postharvest changes. Firmness, color and specific gravity of the fruit and the flesh were measured. Results and discussion. The selection of median samples permitted different harvest batches to be distinguished and the identification of the weather effect on fruit traits (delayed changes to fruit color and flesh specific gravity, less intensely colored flesh). Univariate sampling based on fruit firmness proved to be adequate for characterizing the heterogeneity of harvest batches and for comparing the physical properties of several apricot hybrids. The selection of batches with comparable variability of firmness permitted the evaluation of the effect of repeated non-destructive physical measurements on apricot postharvest changes in simple batches of fruit.France / Prunus armeniaca / fruits / sampling / methods / physicochemical properties / firmness / color / density Méthodes d'échantillonnage de fruits appliquées à l'évaluation de la qualité de l'abricot.Résumé --Introduction. L'hétérogénéité de maturité des récoltes d'abricots résulte de la difficulté d'évaluer objectivement le stade optimal de récolte et donc la variabilité du stade de déve-loppement des fruits au moment de la cueillette. Cette hétérogénéité pose un problème lorsqu'il s'agit de comparer des récoltes, des variétés, des parcours techniques, etc. Trois protocoles d'échantillonnage ont été testés comme préalables à la caractérisation du stade physiologique de lots d'abricots par des méthodes physiques destructives ou non. Le but recherché a été, hormis la réduction du nombre et du coût des analyses, l'obtention de lots homogènes représentatifs de la récolte et de son hétérogénéité, et la constitution de lots comparabl...