Given a torsion-free p-adic analytic pro-p group G with dim(G) < p, we show that the selfsimilar actions of G on regular rooted trees can be studied through the virtual endomorphisms of the associated Z p -Lie lattice. We explicitly classify 3-dimensional unsolvable Z p -Lie lattices for p odd, and study their virtual endomorphisms. Together with Lazard's correspondence, this allows us to classify 3-dimensional unsolvable torsion-free p-adic analytic pro-p groups for p 5, and to determine which of them admit a faithful self-similar action on a p-ary tree. In particular, we show that no open subgroup of SL 1 1 (∆ p ) admits such an action. On the other hand, we prove that all the open subgroups of SL △ 2 (Z p ) admit faithful self-similar actions on regular rooted trees. *