We consider asymptotics of the correlation functions of characteristic polynomials corresponding to random weighted G(n, p n ) Erdős-Rényi graphs with Gaussian weights in the case of finite p and also when p → ∞. It is shown that for finite p the second correlation function demonstrates a kind of transition: when p < 2 it factorizes in the limit n → ∞, while for p > 2 there appears an interval (−λ * ( p), λ * ( p)) such that for λ 0 ∈ (−λ * ( p), λ * ( p)) the second correlation function behaves like that for Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE), while for λ 0 outside the interval the second correlation function is still factorized. For p → ∞ there is also a threshold in the behavior of the second correlation function near λ 0 = ±2: for p n 2/3 the second correlation function factorizes, whereas for p n 2/3 it behaves like that for GUE. For any rate of p → ∞ the asymptotics of correlation functions of any even order for λ 0 ∈ (−2, 2) coincide with that for GUE.