For any n ≥ 3, we prove that there are equivalences between • irreducible n-dimensional non degenerate projective varieties X ⊂ P 2n+1 different from rational normal scrolls and 3-covered by rational cubic curves, up to projective equivalence; • quadro-quadric Cremona transformations of P n−1 , up to linear equivalence;• n-dimensional complex Jordan algebras of rank three, up to isotopy.We also provide some applications to the classification of particular classes of varieties in the class defined above and of quadro-quadric Cremona transformations, proving also a structure theorem for these birational maps and for varieties 3-covered by twisted cubics by reinterpreting for these objects the solvability of the radical of a Jordan algebra. cubic over a rank three complex Jordan algebra (Theorem 3.7). Some particular versions of the XJC-correspondence are the following: cartesian products of varieties 3-covered by twisted cubics correspond to direct product Jordan algebras of rank three and to the so called elementary quadratic transformations (Proposition 4.3); smooth varieties 3-covered by twisted cubics, modulo projective equivalence, are in bijection with semi-simple rank three Jordan algebras, modulo isotopy, and with semi-special quadro-quadric Cremona transformations, modulo linear equivalence (Theorem 4.4).The XJC-correspondence is extended in Section 4.3 to cover some degenerated cases: rational normal scrolls, Jordan algebras with a cubic norm and 'fake' quadro-quadric Cremona transformations, respectively. Moreover, the XJC-correspondence leads us to some new constructions and definitions. The theory of the radical and the semisimple part of a Jordan algebra suggested the definitions of semi-simple part, semi-simple rank and semi-simple dimension of a quadro-quadric Cremona transformation, or of an extremal variety 3-covered by twisted cubics, providing for instance a general Structure Theorem for these maps, see Theorem 5.16. As an application we prove in Corollary 5.9 that every homaloidal polynomial f of degree 3 defining a quadro-quadric Cremona transformation whose ramification locus scheme is cut out by f is, modulo linear equivalence, the norm of a rank 3 semi-simple Jordan algebra, providing a new short proof of [17, Theorem 3.10] and of [9, Theorem 2, Corollary 4].The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 we introduce some notation which is not standard. In Section 2 we define precisely the objects studied giving some examples: the X-world consisting of extremal varieties 3-covered by twisted cubics; the C-world consisting of quadro-quadric Cremona transformations and the J-world consisting of rank three complex Jordan algebras. Moreover the natural equivalence relations: projective equivalence, linear equivalence, respectively isotopy are introduced as well the notion of cubic Jordan pair. In Section 3 we define the correspondences between the three sets modulo equivalences. First from the J-world to the X and C worlds. Then from the C-world to the X-world. We prove the equivalence between...