In this paper, we provide a bound for the generalized Hofer energy of punctured J-holomorphic curves in almost complex manifolds with asymptotically cylindrical ends. As an application, we prove a version of Gromov's Monotonicity Theorem with multiplicity. Namely, for a closed symplectic manifold (M, ω ′ ) with a compatible almost complex structure J and a ball B in M, there exists a constant > 0, such that any J-holomorphic curveũ passing through the center of B for k times (counted with multiplicity) with boundary mapped to ∂B has symplectic area´ũ −1 (B)ũ * ω ′ > k , where the constant depends only on (M, ω ′ , J) and the radius of B. As a consequence, the number of times that any closed J-holomorphic curve in M passes through a point is bounded by a constant depending only on (M, ω ′ , J) 1 and the symplectic area ofũ. Here J is any ω ′ −compatible smooth almost complex structure on M . In particular, we do not require J to be integrable.1 Following the notation in [5] we save ω for something else.1 energy bound can be obtained by specifying the behavior the J-holomorphic curves at infinity and bounding their symplectic areas (see [10,5]). In [2] the notion of Hofer energy and Property (A) are further generalized to include Jholomorphic curves in "almost complex manifolds with asymptotically cylindrical ends". Here "asymptotically cylindrical" means that the difference between the almost complex structure J and a translation invariant one is exponentially small. In this paper, we prove Property (B) in this setting. Property (A) and property (B) together imply the expected useful compactness results in Symplectic Field Theory.One of the main advantages of this generalization is that the asymptotically cylindrical J arises naturally. As an application, we prove a version of Gromov's Monotonicity Theorem with multiplicity 2 , namely for a closed symplectic manifold (M, ω ′ ) with a compatible almost complex structure J and a ball B in M, there exists a constant > 0, such that any J-holomorphic curveũ passing through the center of B k times (counted with multiplicity) with the boundary mapped to ∂B has symplectic area´ũ −1 (B)ũ * ω ′ > k , where the constant depends only on (M, ω ′ , J) and the radius of B. The inequality k < 1 ´ũ −1 (B)ũ * ω ′ is closely related to a question asked in [6], where they study J-holomorphic curves with boundaries lying inside two clean intersecting Lagrangian submanifolds, and prove that the number of "boundary switches" at the intersecting loci is uniformly bounded by the Hofer Energy. Their proof in an essential way relies on the additional requirement that the almost complex structure J is integrable near the intersecting loci. They ask to what extent their results are still true without assuming the integrability of J. In this paper, we provide a simple proof for the closed version of their result for arbitrary J. Namely, the J-holomorphic curves we consider in this paper have no boundaries. In this case, "boundary switches" just means that the J-holomorphic curve passes a fixed...