“…334 This Notwithstanding, Grombach Continewed 335 his ffaccion, And 336 was receiued by John ffrederick into his Castle at 337 Gottha, the which was of suche force, as they in all respectes thought themselues safe from theire enemies. 338 But Augustus now Elector of Saxonie being in the a foresaid dyett, Appointed the Emperors Leivetenant for this Warre, 339 and having for 340 the Charges of the Empire 341 6000 Horses, 30 342 Ensignes of ffootemen, {and} 343 40 Peeces of great Ordinance, beseeiged the towne of Gottha, and the Castle {of} Grimsteines, 344 which thing the Citizens and certaine Captaines there perceiueing, & weighing with themselues, that the matter was taken in hand by all the Estates of the Empire, were now 345 Contented to yeild both Grombach [begin 200v] the Towne, and the Castle, to the said Elector, Whoe as soone as hee was entred, tooke John ffrederick and sent him with a sufficient Guard to the Emperor, with whome hee remayneth still, <a> Prysoner, in the Cittie of Prespurge in Hungaria, 346 a boue a hundred {English} 347 Miles beyond Vienna, <near Turkey,> And executed aboue 348 xx of the Cheiffest Robbers, 349 Whereof Grombach & Doctor {Pounta} Pontanus, 350 Chauncellor to the Duke John ffrederick, with Certaine others were quartered quicke. This Victorie was soe ioyefull to the Elector Augustus, That in memorie thereof, hee Caused dollers to be Coyned with this Inscripcion (Tanden 351 bona causa triumphat) <A good cause at last prevails>.…”