Abstract. In this paper we characterize extreme points of any symmetric interval in the Minkowski-Rådström-Hörmander lattice X over any Hausdorff topological vector space X (Theorem 1). Then we prove that the unit ball in the Minkowski-Rådström-Hörmander lattice X over any normed space X, dimX ≥ 2, has exactly two extreme points (Theorem 2).Let (G, +, ≤) be a commutative lattice-ordered group [1], where x∨y = sup(x, y),In a commutative lattice-ordered group G the following properties hold true:We say that x ∈ G is an extreme point of a subset A of G if for any y, z ∈ A the equality x + x = y + z implies that x = y = z. By ext A we denote the set of all extreme points of A. If G is a vector space, this definition of the extreme point of a subset A coincides with the usual one.The following proposition characterizes extreme points of symmetric intervals in G. a ]. Since x ≤ a, x + ≤ a and x + + x + − a ≤ a; and sinceWe have |z| ≤ a. Since y + z = x + x, x = y = x + + x + − a. Hence x + |x| = x + (x ∨ (−x)) = (x + x) ∨ 0 = (x + x) + = x + + x + = x + a. Then |x| = a.