A nested occupancy scheme in random environment is a generalization of the classical Karlin infinite balls-in-boxes occupancy scheme in random environment (with random probabilities). Unlike the Karlin scheme in which the collection of boxes is unique, there is a nested hierarchy of boxes, and the hitting probabilities of boxes are defined in terms of iterated fragmentation of a unit mass. In the present paper we assume that the random fragmentation law is given by stick-breaking in which case the infinite occupancy scheme defined by the first level boxes is known as the Bernoulli sieve. Assuming that n balls have been thrown, denote by K n ( j) the number of occupied boxes in the jth level and call the level j intermediate if j = j n → ∞ and j n = o(log n) as n → ∞. We prove a multidimensional central limit theorem for the vector (K n (⌊ j n u 1 ⌋),... ,K n (⌊ j n u ℓ ⌋), properly normalized and centered, as n → ∞, where j n → ∞ and j n = o((log n) 1/2 ). The present paper continues the line of investigation initiated in the article [4] in which the occupancy of intermediate levels j n → ∞, j n = o((log n) 1/3 ) was analyzed.