It is a classical result that any complex analytic Lie supergroup G is split [5], that is its structure sheaf is isomorphic to the structure sheaf of a certain vector bundle. However, there do exist non-split complex analytic homogeneous supermanifolds.We study the question how to find out whether a complex analytic homogeneous supermanifold is split or non-split. Our main result is a description of left invariant gradings on a complex analytic homogeneous supermanifold G/H in the terms of H-invariants. As a corollary to our investigations we get some simple sufficient conditions for a complex analytic homogeneous supermanifold to be split in terms of Lie algebras.How do we determine whether a complex analytic supermanifold is split or non-split? Let me describe here some results in this direction that were obtained by Green, Koszul, Onishchik and Serov. In [3] Green described a moduli space with a marked point such that any non-marked point corresponds to a non-split supermanifold while the marked point corresponds to a split one. His idea was used for instance in [2]. The calculation of the Green moduli space is a difficult problem itself, and in many cases the method is difficult to apply. Furthermore, Onishchik and Serov [9,10,11] considered grading derivations, which correspond to Z-gradings of the structure sheaf of a supermanifold. For example, it was shown that almost all supergrassmannians do not possess such derivations, i.e. their structure sheaves do not possess any Z-gradings. Hence, in particular, they are non-split. The idea of grading derivations was independently used by Koszul. In [4] the following statement was proved: if the tangent bundle of a supermanifold M possesses a (holomorphic) connection then M is split. (Koszul's proof works in real and complex analytic cases.) In fact, it was shown that we can assign a grading derivation to any supermanifold with a connection and that this grading derivation is induced by a Z-grading of a vector bundle.Assume that a complex analytic supermanifold M = (M 0 , O M ) is split. By definition this means that its structure sheaf O M is isomorphic to E, where E is a locally free sheaf on the complex analytic manifold M 0 . The sheaf E is naturally Z-graded and the isomorphism O M ≃ E induces the Z-grading in O M . We call such gradings split. The main result of our paper is a description of those left invariant split gradings on a homogeneous superspace G/H which are compatible with split gradings on G. We also give sufficient conditions for pairs (g, h), where g = Lie G and h = Lie H, such that G/H is split.