“…The commonly expressed assumption that working-class patients do not wish a full explanation of illness seems to derive from the use of different sociolinguistic "codes" by doctors and patients (Fletcher, 1973) and particularly from working-class patients' hesitation in asking questions. Observations by Bernstein (1961Bernstein ( , !962a, 1962bBernstein ( , 1964aBernstein ( , 1964bBernstein ( , 1971Bernstein ( , 1973 and Lawton (1968), as well as related studies in the rapidly growing field of sociolinguistics (Cook-Gumperz, 1973;Labov, 1972aLabov, , 1972bGrimshaw, 1973Grimshaw, , 1974Fishman, 1971;Gumperz and Hymes, 1972), indicate that the communication gap between middle-class doctors and working-class patients may result from their customary use of different linguistic codes.…”