We study the distribution of the sandpile group of random d-regular graphs. For the directed model we prove that it follows the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, that is, the probability that the p-Sylow subgroup of the sandpile group is a given p-group P , is proportional to | Aut(P )| −1 . For finitely many primes, these events get independent in limit. Similar results hold for undirected random regular graphs, there for odd primes the limiting distributions are the ones given by Clancy, Leake and Payne.This answers an open question of Frieze and Vu whether the adjacency matrix of a random regular graph is almost surely invertible. Note that for directed graphs this was recently proved by Huang. It also gives an alternate proof of a theorem of Backhausz and Szegedy. MSC classes: 05C80, 15B52, 60B20 Theorem 2. Let Γ n be the sandpile group of D n . For any finite Abelian group V we have lim n→∞ E| Sur(Γ n , V )| = 1.Let Γ n be the sandpile group of H n . Let V be a finite Abelian group. If d is odd, then lim n→∞ E| Sur(Γ n , V )| = | ∧ 2 V |, 1 The rank of a group is the minimum number of generators.