Abstract:In this research study, the performance of direct torque and flux control (DTFC) induction motor drive (IMD) is presented using four different speed control techniques. The performance of IMD mainly depends on the design of speed controller. The PI speed controller (PISC) requires precise mathematical model, continuous and appropriate gain values. Therefore, adaptive control based speed controller is desirable to achieve high performance drive. The sliding-mode speed controller (SMSC) is developed to achieve continuous control of motor speed and torque. Furthermore, the fuzzy logic speed controller (FLSC) and fuzzy sliding-mode speed controller (FSMSC) is designed to obtain high performance, dynamic tracking behavior, speed accuracy and also robustness to parameter variations. The performance of each control technique has been tested for its robustness to parameter uncertainties and load disturbances. The detailed comparison of different control schemes are carried out in a MATALB/Simulink environment at different speed operating conditions, such as, forward and reversal motoring under no-load, load and sudden change in speed.Keywords: Direct torque control, induction motor drive, fuzzy logic speed controller, sliding mode speed controller, fuzzy sliding mode speed controller.
IntroductionIn recent times, the adjustable speed drives (ASDs) with induction motor drives (IMDs) are making significant inroads because of robustness, high performance, and rugged structure and widely used in industrial applications such as; electric and hybrid vehicles, traction locomotives, electric propulsion ships The scalar control schemes are simple to implement and gives good steady state response, but poor in dynamic response. However, the vector control method gives good steady state as well as transient response [1]. In the vector control scheme, one of the most popular control method of induction motor drive is known as field oriented control (FOC). It controls an induction motor drive like a separately excited DC motor and it was proposed by F. Blaschke (Direct FOC) and Hasse (Indirect FOC) in early 1970"s [2]. The FOC method has an attractive features but it suffers with some drawbacks, such as; requirement of co-ordinate transformations, current controllers, sensitive to parameter variations. The drawbacks of FOC schemes are minimized with the new control strategy i.e., direct torque control (DTC) scheme, which is proposed by Isao Takahashi and Toshihiko Noguchi, in the mid 1980"s [3].The performance of IMD mainly depends on the design of speed controller. The PISC is widely used in industrial applications as it has a simple structure and offers a good satisfactory performance over a wide range of normal operation. But, the PISC scheme may not give satisfactory performance under load disturbances and it requires precise mathematical model, continuous tuning and accurate gain values of proportional (Kp) and integral (K I ) to achieve high performance drive. It is quite difficult to gain high performance of an IMD us...