PNL-4592 (DE83007253) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DISCLAIMER "This report was prepared a, an aCC:lunt or "ark sponsore.d by an 3i?ency of the Un;red States Go\"~rnnhnt, Neither tr,e United States GO\emment nor any agency thereof, nor any of theL" employ'ccs, makes any warranty express or implied, or assumes any legalliabiliW or r~';pcmsibilit~• for t!•,c' Jccura,.:y, compktcr.css. c1I usefulness of any information, apparatlH, product, or proce,,, disclosed, or reprejent, that its use would not infringe privately ov,."ed ri)::hts. Refercn•:c herein to anv ';pccific c;)mrn"rcb, prodl'<:t, proce,3, or scrvioe by trade nanlt;\ t.r<:!d:.:r':nk. i[)8nufacturer ... 1r othcn1}isl~. does nut necessarily constitatL-or irnpl:; ~lS enGorscm,:nt, (';commendation, or favoring by the enited Staies Government or any agency thereo', Th,: views and ()pin!ons of ~utho" expressed her