Let F , G and H be simple graphs. We say F → (G, H) if for every red-blue coloring of the edges of F there exists a red copy of G or a blue copy of H in F. The Ramsey number r(G, H) is defined as r(G, H) = min{|V (F)| : F → (G, H)}, while the restricted size Ramsey number r * (G, H) is defined as r * (G, H) = min{|E(F)| : F → (G, H), |V (F)| = r(G, H)}. In this paper we determine previously unknown restricted size Ramsey numbers r * (P 3 , C n) for 7 ≤ n ≤ 12. We also give new upper bound r * (P 3 , C n) ≤ 2n − 2 for even n ≥ 10.