Abstract-In AI systems so far developed, more knowledge (typically stored as "rules") entails slower processing; in the case of humans, the more knowledge attained (in the form of experience), the speed/efficiency of performing new related tasks is improved. Experience-Based (EB) Identification and Control is explored with the objective of achieving more human-like processes for 'intelligent' computing Agents. The notion of experience is being successfully addressed via a novel concept for applying Reinforcement Learning (RL), called HLLA -Higher Level Learning Algorithm. The key idea is to re-purpose the RL method (to a "higher level") such that instead of creating an optimal controller for a given task, an already achieved collection of such solutions for a variety of related contexts is provided (as an experience repository), and HLLA creates a strategy for optimally selecting a solution from the repository. The selection process is triggered by the Agent becoming aware that a change in context has occurred, followed by the Agent seeking information about what changeda process here called context discernment -and finally, by selection. Typically, context discernment entails a form of system identification (SID); substantial enhancement of SID is also achieved via the EB methods. Examples are given.