Let G be a finite group. Over any finite G-poset P we may define a transporter category as the corresponding Grothendieck construction. The classifying space of the transporter category is the Borel construction on the G-space BP, while the k-category algebra of the transporter category is the (Gorenstein) skew group algebra on the G-algebra kP.We introduce a support variety theory for the category algebras of transporter categories. It extends Carlson's support variety theory on group cohomology rings to equivariant cohomology rings. In the mean time it provides a class of (usually non selfinjective) algebras to which Snashall-Solberg's (Hochschild) support variety theory applies. Various properties will be developed. Particularly we establish a Quillen stratification for modules. G ∼ = Ext * kG (k, k), Carlson [11] extended Quillen's work by attaching to every finitely generated kG-module M a subvariety of V G = V G,• , denoted by V G (M ) = MaxSpecH G /I G (M ), called the (cohomological) support variety of M , where I G (M ) is the kernel of the following map φ M = − ⊗ k M : H * G ∼ = Ext * kG (k, k) → Ext * kG (M, M ). Especially since φ k is the identity, V G = V G (k). Following Carlson's construction, Avrunin and Scott [5] quickly generalized the Quillen stratification from V G to V G (M ). By showing that support