In this paper, we study the left orthogonal class of max-flat modules which are the homological objects related to s-pure exact sequences of modules and module homomorphisms. Namely, a right module A is called MF-projective if Ext 1 R (A, B) = 0 for any max-flat right R-module B, and A is called strongly MF-projective if Ext i R (A, B) = 0 for all max-flat right R-modules B and all i ≥ 1. Firstly, we give some properties of M F-projective modules and SMF-projective modules. Then we introduce and study MF-projective dimensions for modules and rings. The relations between the introduced dimensions and other (classical) homological dimensions are discussed. We characterize some classes of rings such as perfect rings, QF rings and max-hereditary rings by (S)M F-projective modules. We also study the rings whose right ideals are MF-projective. Finally, we characterize the rings whose M F-projective modules are projective.