Both macro and microprojectiles (e.g., interplanetary, interstellar and even intergalactic material) are seen as important vehicles for the exchange of potential (bio)material within our solar system as well as between stellar systems in our Galaxy. Accordingly, this requires estimates of the impact probabilities for different source populations of projectiles, including for intergalactic meteor particles which have received relatively little attention since considered as rare events (discrete occurrences that are statistically improbable due to their very infrequent appearance). We employ the simple but comprehensive model of intergalactic microprojectile capture by the gravity of exoplanets which enables us to estimate the map of collisional probabilities for an available sample of exoplanets in habitable zones around host stars. The model includes a dynamical description of the capture adopted from Mautner model of interstellar exchange of microparticles and changed for our purposes. We use statistical and information metrics to calculate probability map of intergalactic meteorite particle capture. Moreover, by calculating the entropy index map we estimate the concentration of these rare events. We further adopted a model from immigration theory, to show that the time dependent distribution of single molecule immigration of material indicates high survivability of the immigrated material taking into account birth and death processes on our planet. At present immigration of material can not be observationally constrained but it seems reasonable to think that it will be possible in the near future, and to use it along other proposed parameters for life sustainability on some planet.