with the development of nanofabrication, characterization, and numerical modeling techniques, research has focused on optical applications in the subwavelength region, where the characteristic dimension of light-matter interactions is below the operating wavelength. [7,8] It was found that catenary functions have played more important roles in this new realm. [9] First, the coupling of evanescent waves, such as surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) leads to catenary-shaped intensity distributions, [10,11] which have found practical applications in super-resolution imaging and lithography. [12-15] Second, catenaryshaped subwavelength structures have been proved to be ideal candidates for generating geometric phases, which are widely utilized to construct various functional metasurfaces. [2,16-18] Furthermore, besides the field intensity distribution, the dispersion curves of many capacitive metasurfaces were found to be characterized by the catenary function, [3] which provides a versatile mathematical-physical model to predict the optical and electromagnetic properties of metasurfaces. The application of mathematical functions in classical optical problems is a well-established phenomenon. For instance, in geometric optics governed by Fermat's principle and Snell's law, the surfaces of lenses and mirrors have spherical, parabolic, or aspherical shapes to focus light on a given spot. In laser optics, the characteristics of laser beams are characterized by mathematical functions, such as the Gaussian function, Bessel function, Airy function, and Hermite and Laguerre polynomials. [19-21] In addition, the dispersion curve of an anisotropic material is described by an ellipse. If one of the dielectric tensors were to become negative, the dispersion curve would become hyperbolic. Such materials are therefore called hyperbolic materials. [22,23] Because of the unusual dispersion curve, hyperbolic materials could be used in super-resolution imaging as well as enhancement of spontaneous emission. In this review, we focus on the applications of catenary functions in optics and electromagnetics. There are two types of catenary functions, the hyperbolic cosine function (ordinary catenary) and the logarithmic cosine function, which is often called catenary of equal strength. [1] As shown in Figure 1, both curves resemble the parabolic curve for vanishingly small x values. As x increases, the discrepancy increases and the slope of the catenary of equal strength is the largest among the three curves. Like the parabola, both types of catenary functions Catenary functions play pivotal roles in describing the electromagnetic vectors, intensity distribution, and dispersion of structured light on the subwavelength scale. In this article, the history, basic theories, functional devices, and applications of catenary functions in optics and electromagnetics are reviewed. First, the catenary fields generated by the coupling of evanescent waves are discussed, together with their applications in flat optics, super-resolution imaging, and lith...